How to care for your new leather bag or wallet.

These two products are my absolute favorite! They are also the exact products I use to on all of your orders before I mail them off to all of you.


Want to waterproof your new leather bag or wallet?

This spray is amazing!! It doesn’t matter the type of leather, you can use this on any of the bags and wallets I carry in my shop.

To use: I usually spray 2-3 light coats per piece. Letting it dry between coats.


Make your wallet or bag look new again!!

This is one of my favorite leather conditioners. It works great on most all leather types. However, I do not recommend using this on brushed or velvety leather types.

To use: Put a dime sized amount on an old rag and rub into the leather, paying close attention to scratches or dings. The longer you massage this into those areas, the better the result. If you need more, keep adding dime sized amounts to your rag. If you add too much at one time, the application will be uneven.